Shiny Shorts was born out of a passion for all things short fiction -whether it's flash, short stories, novellas; podcasts, print or online magazines; anthologies or collections; horror, SF, fantasy or crime; new releases or old favourites - if it's a short story we're there, so look around and share the love.
Jenny Barber
Peter Coleborn
Jan Edwards
Mario Guslandi
Jennifer Rickard
Review Policy
We're currently on a go-slow due to excessive real-life commitments so are not currently accepting items for review, but when we kick back into gear we're open to:
Flash fiction, short stories and novellas
Formats: podcasts, print or online magazines, anthologies or collections
We prefer mobi/epub formats or reading/listening direct from magazine website, but will read also PDF and hardcopy. (Email Jenny at the address below to get a snail mail address to send hardcopy to.)
If your publication is an online magazine that isn't listed in the side column, please send us a link to it and we'll give it a go.
Genres: horror, SF, fantasy or crime
Any queries can be sent to:
jennyb [nospam] @ [nospam]